Friday, 28 August 2009

Outside In

On the 7th of august I was Lucky enough to attend the opening of Outside In at Pallant House Chichester. This is the Biennial of Outsider Art and it is a real privilege to be in such a brilliantly curated exhibition. Marc (Steene) and Kate (Hadley) have done an amazing job in pulling this off. The show runs until 8th November.

Thursday, 20 August 2009


Today i found 5 baby rabbits in a hole in my garden - no sign of mum. So I put aside my fear of furry things, and put them in a box and drove them to where i know there are other baby rabbits. Whilst rabbits do destroy my vegetables i couldn't bring myself to despatch them with the back of my shovel or let the terriers (not mine) have sight of them and then face the carnage that would have undoubtedly ensued. I pondered this moral dilemma over a cup of tea which was not without stress as i was hoping the sparrow hawk wouldn't come a visiting as it is currently teaching baby to hunt.