Friday 2 October 2009


A new venture. This week I took the keys of my new studio. I haven't had a proper studio since Waygood. That's a long time. It was there i realised the benefit a studio gives. However there is always that "Can I afford to have it? - Can I afford not to have it? dilemma. So I have taken the leap and will spend the winter making/creating in a much more focussed (hopefully) way.

A blurred camera phone image to give a hint of the flavour

At the moment it's bare - apart from the first few bits i could take. It will be becoming more studio like in the very near future. It's going to have to lure me in and make that hour long drive seem like a good thing - i know how grim winter driving is - and that whole leave in the dark get home in the dark thing . At the moment though it's all joy. I just picked up an overhead projector off freecycle so that will be making it's way studio bound soon. Beginnings - always exciting as they unfurl.

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